New Member Experience
The Zeta Is Forever New Member Experience emphasizes the values of the Fraternity, found in our Creed. The weekly lessons are: Seek Greatness, Seek Understanding, Seek Purpose, Seek Sisterhood and Seek the Noblest.
Prior to the weekly meeting, new members complete an online educational workshop regarding that week’s topic. These online workshops allow for fewer lectures and more discussion and engagement with other new members during meetings, building overall sisterhood and a connection to the Fraternity. The meetings include icebreakers, a review of the online module, interactive activities and a personal reflection.
All first-year Zetas participate in the New Member Experience, CommunityEdu, Initiation and two post-Initiation lessons (Seek Meaning and Seek Commitment) during the same semester as when they join the chapter.
Along with learning what it means to be a Zeta, the New Member process is a fun and exciting time to grow together as a sisterhood within your first few months as a sorority woman! Just ten days after Bid Day, new members will receive a big sister and be welcomed into a ZTA family. Big sisters serve as mentors, guiding their little sisters throughout the New Member Experience, her years in college, and beyond. Our New Member Retreat, "Camp ZTA," is a fun day of bonding as a New Member Class through pennant-making, field day games, a group talent show, writing encouraging notes, and more. As Initiation approaches, ZTA Week provides exciting activities to celebrate becoming an official ZTA!